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Inputs and Outputs

Input Formats Supported

  • .exr
  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .tiff
  • .hdr
  • .tx


Single-channel maps are not supported (some megascans textures for example).

Output formats supported

Format Bitdepth
.exr 16 Half, 32 Float
.jpg 8 Int
.png 8 Int, 16 Int


What is the behaviour of the export checkable circles ?

  • Export in a new folder: The file will be placed in a new folder named "ACEScg" located at the same location of the original file if no path is given.

    Else the output files will be placed in the given folder path.

  • Export at the same location: a new file prefixed with the target colorspace or the ODT/Tf will be created.


All outputs are cropped to RGBA (if alpha supported) channels.

So if you input multi-channel exrs and output exrs, you will lose all your other channels.


Mipmapping is not supported for output.

You can input mipmapped exr/tiff/tx but the output will loose its mipmapping.


When choosing the compression amount remember that for jpg 100 means less compression while it is the inverse for exrs.

Importing folders

When drag&dropping a folder, all the files inside it and its sub-directories will be added!


IDTs allow to specify to which colorspace your file primaries belongs too but also which transfer-function is applied to your file.

  • Utility - Raw : specify that you don't want any conversion. It can be usefull if you just want to switch the format of a file.

  • Utility - Texture - rec709 : if your file has sRGB/rec709 primaries with a gamma2.2 transfer function applied.

ODT/Transfer Functions


  • The ODT / Transfer Function dropdown is only available when the Output format is set to a integer format (.jpg or .png)
  • ACES ODTs (prefixed with (ACES)) are only available when the Target ColorSpace is set to ACEScg


Depending on your export options and your input file size, the converting process can become very slow. Applying an ACES ODT is the slowest operation.

Colorspaces conversion are processed with a Bradford chromatic adaptation.


  • Ctrl+A : Select all file in the list

  • Del : remove a file (no undo)

  • Backspace : remove a file (no undo)

You can also use the directionnal arrow to navigate in the list and Shift to select items.


Logging has a very minimal implementation that is mostly useless.

You can find the log file here: $DOCUMENTS/PYCO/ColorSpaceConverter/log_file.log

You can also open it by clicking on the "log" icon in the UI.